Photos by Emily Caroline Sartin
Special thanks to Janice Romero Leslie, Merdis Mae Villanueva, Cherrymay Vernon, Josephine Alberta Eiley, Marcelo Omar Sierra and Carlton Bernard Young.
Back to Story“The hurricane was a big, made big changes in Placencia. The hurricane did that. Because that is when Placencia really blew up.” -Janice Romero Leslie, 70
“I am a tourist in my own village...When I do go and take a walk out, I don’t know where I am.” -Merdis Mae Villanueva, 82
“Telling you the truth, I would like to see how it was just in the nature of what it was, but improvements have to come in.” -Cherrymay Vernon, 72
“Change plenty. They have vehicle around. We used to never have, never had no street here. Lone soft sand and cement walk.”-Josephine Alberta Eiley, 89
“We ending up throwing trucks and trucks of fill here and that´s one of the developments that really put Placencia into a growth. A expanded Placencia.” -Marcelo Omar Sierra, 65
“In two days, we caught 1700 pounds of mutton snappers. That tells you the amount of fishes that was out there. That was in those days. It´ll take you almost a month to do that now.”-Carlton Barnard Young, 79
Photos by Emily Caroline Sartin
Special thanks to Janice Romero Leslie, Merdis Mae Villanueva, Cherrymay Vernon, Josephine Alberta Eiley, Marcelo Omar Sierra and Carlton Bernard Young.
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